Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding
Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding


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Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding

Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding


Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding – Product Features

This product features:

  • White paper fiber
  • Ultra absorbent, pillow-soft bedding
  • Two times more absorbent than shavings
  • 99% dust free, which helps keep your home and pet’s habitat clean
  • No harsh chemicals or dyes
  • Biodegradable and compostable

Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding Product Description

Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding

Carefresh Complete White Small Pet Bedding features white bedding that is pillowy-soft and two times more absorbent than shavings. Your small pet will stay warm and cozy in bedding that’s easier to clean up. This bedding also offers ten day odour control by suppressing the smell of ammonia in urine. Moreover, this paper bedding contains no dust, which helps keep your home and your pet’s habitat cleaner. You can also compost this bedding, as it’s biodegradable and free of any harsh dyes or chemicals.

Carefresh has many other bedding products for your small animals. Check out the Hamster & Gerbil Natural Bedding and the Complete Natural Small Pet Bedding

CareFresh: Beyond Bedding

CareFresh, a subsidiary of Healthy Pet, designs litter for rabbits, ferrets, and other small animal pets. This soft, dry bedding feature comfyfluff, a made-from-scratch paper litter that contains raw, natural fibres. This paper material makes it twice as absorbent as shavings or other litters, while also providing a warm, comforting bed for your pet. Furthermore, because of its unique manufacturing process, this product is 99% dust free.

Where you can purchase more Carefresh products…

Pet Food ‘N More is not your average pet store. Here we offer quality food products and supplies for all of your pet needs. Additionally, we staff each store with friendly, knowledgeable pet-lovers, thrilled to answer any questions and offer recommendations based on your needs.

You can also purchase more Carefresh products from any of our seven locations here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Animal Type

Small Animal



Product Type

Small Animal Bedding

Bedding Volume

10L, 23L, 50L


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About CareFresh Pet Litter

CareFresh, a subsidiary of Healthy Pet, designs litter for rabbits, ferrets, and other small animal pets. This soft, dry bedding feature comfyfluff, a made-from-scratch paper litter that contains raw, natural fibres. This paper material makes it twice as absorbent as shavings or other litters, while also providing a warm, comforting bed for your pet. Furthermore, because of its unique manufacturing process, this product is 99% dust free.

Shop CareFresh Pet Products at One of Our Seven Convenient Locations

You can also purchase more products from our friendly and helpful staff at your local Pet Food ‘N More. Check out any of our seven locations here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada.

Healthy PetAbout Healthy Pet Litter and Bedding Products

Healthy Pet creates cat litter and small animal bedding to help you manage waste clean-up at home. They recycle unwanted wood fragments, pulp, and paper to produce pelleted and natural litters. These natural, plant-based fibres absorb waste and odours. Additionally, they're biodegradable and safe to compost where cat litter or small animal bedding is permitted. Best of all, these natural litters do not product any airborne dust.

Shop Healthy Pet Products at One of Our Seven Convenient Locations

You can also purchase more products from our friendly and helpful staff at your local Pet Food ‘N More. Check out any of our seven locations here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada.

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